WANTED - Ibanez Frank Gambale 'FGM 400QM'
I would very much like to add one of the FGM 400QM models to my meager collection, anyone out there who knows where I could find one please contact me.

If you own one I would love to hear what you think about it? Send me your review on it and I will post it, also any images would be very kool...
frets are a little low in the fretboard, so they wear out faster then a "regular" guitar, i never use the single coil switch which makes the sound so-so. But damn the guitar is light, fast, with strings hovering only 1.5 mm above the fretboard at the 18 fret, you can play it with one hand.
Anonymous, At
November 8, 2008 at 7:29 AM
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